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Safe Men

safemen.GIFToday I watched Safe Men (1998,R). I've liked Sam Rockwell since Box of Moonlight, Lawn Dogs, etc. This is another good one. It's goofy and quirky and I liked it. I give it 4 out of 5. From

Oddball heist comedy about hack musicians mistaken for top-notch safecrackers. Despite moments of amusing whimsy, most viewers won't fancy its unappetizing mix of grating Gen-X goofiness and dud pseudo-borscht-belt schtick.

Sense and Sensibility

200px-Sense_and_sensibility_cover.jpgToday the chick flick film series continued with Sense and Sensibility (1995,PG). I'm sure I must have seen it in the theaters, but I guess 10 years was enough to erase all memories. Or maybe it was so bland that no memories were ever made. This is the kind of movie that I often like, but somehow this one never grabbed me. I give it 3 out of 5. From wikipedia:

Jane Austen's novel Sense and Sensibility (1811) was adapted into a 1995 film by Emma Thompson, for which she received general acclaim as well as the 1996 Academy Award. The film was directed by Ang Lee. It is faithful to the book, although some liberties are taken. Like all of Jane Austen's novels, Sense and Sensibility is as much a commentary on 18th Century society as a romance. The film captures the plight of genteel ladies "of no fortune" during that period.

A Walk to Remember

A_Walk_to_Remember_movie.jpgOn Tuesday I finished watching A Walk to Remember (2002,PG-13). The portrayal of a character with faith that wasn't compromised was interesting, but ultimately the cheese factor was too heavy. I give it 3 out of 5. From wikipedia:

A Walk to Remember is a 2002 film set in mid-1990s Beaufort, North Carolina, based on the eponymous 1998 novel by Nicholas Sparks. The movie stars pop singer Mandy Moore and Once and Again actor Shane West. The movie was directed by Adam Shankman and produced by Denise DiNovi and Hunt Lowry. The movie was critically panned but was embraced by the respective fanbases of both actors. It began the movie career of Mandy Moore. The movie revolves around the lives of two opposite Beaufort High School teenagers: the daughter of a Baptist minister, Jamie Sullivan (Moore) and a jaded, aimless high school senior, Landon Carter (West).

Sunset Boulevard

200px-SunsetBoulevardfilmposter.jpg Today I finished watching Sunset Boulevard (1950,NR). From Wikipedia:

It stars William Holden as down-on-his-luck screenwriter Joe Gillis, and Gloria Swanson as Norma Desmond, a faded movie star who entraps the unsuspecting Gillis into her fantasy world in which she dreams of making a triumphant return to the screen.

I was enjoying it quite a bit as the plot thickened but then felt like it lost all of its steam at the end, so I give it 3 out of 5.

Curious George

curiousG1.GIFThe Bobos and Moores went to a matinee of Curious George (2006, G). They (especially Lisa) loved it. She rushed home to order the soundtrack from Amazon.



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