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Saturday night's headliner was Iris DeMent, one of Lisa's favorite artists.  We'd seen her three times before (Knoxville and Asheville in the late 90's and Denver in 2000).

Sista Otis and the Wholly Rollers

Sista Otis and her crew were a stark contrast from the typical folk fare, but they were entertaining.

Porkies Fest

We're spending the weekend in Silver City/Ontanogan/Porcupine Mountains Wilderness State Park and enjoying the Porcupine Mountains Music Festival.

Here's a festival poster.

Friday night's headliner was Ember Swift. Lisa thought she was very entertaining but Jonathan could get past the impression that she is a Ani DiFranco impersonator.  He doesn't really care for Ani either.


We've been watching Firefly on the SciFi channel, a critically acclaimed science fiction series that didn't make the cut a few years back on Fox.  It's available on DVD.  A feature film, Serenity, is coming out Sept. 30.  We've seen three or so episodes so far and enjoyed it.  "From Buffy: The Vampire Slayer creator Joss Whedon, comes Firefly... an action drama set 500 years in the future about the crew of a small transport ship that takes on odd and sometimes criminal assignments."

Tony Soprano and Crew Will Return for '07 Season

"In a deal that will extend the run of the most successful series in the history of cable television for another year, HBO announced yesterday that "The Sopranos" will not end with its next season starting in March, but will continue with an additional eight episodes starting in January 2007."


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