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Anticipation is building for the Dec. 9 release of The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe film.  I vaguely remember reading the whole series of books as a kid and also maybe watching a cartoon version that was kind of scary for whatever age I was.  I'm thinking it might be this year's Christmas/New Year's movie.  If I remember correctly, last year's was Meet the Fockers and before that was one of The Lord of the Rings.  Lisa says she doesn't want to see Narnia; she wants to see walk the line.  Maybe there'll be two Christmas/New Year's films this year.  Any volunteers to babysit?

Sarah Groves

Last night Lisa and I went to see a concert by Sarah Groves (one of Lisa's favorites), Chris Rice, and Jars of Clay.  Overall, Lisa said the experience was inspiring.  All three performances were all quite enjoyable, though Lisa would have preferred a little more Sarah and a little less Chris.  Elliot and Finn stayed home with Jordan the babysitter and watched Herbie Goes Bananas for movie night.

British Comedy

I've developed a taste for British sketch comedy and sitcoms.  Here are some of my favorites from BBC America.  Beware.  If you're bothered by risqué content, British standards are even lower than ours.

Headphones exacerbate hearing loss

A friend at work gave me his ipod, and now I hardly ever listen anything but podcasts (This Week in Tech, Diggnation, Slate, ESPN radio, Science Friday, Security Now!, etc.).

So I can relate to the trend that is exacerbating hearing loss: "It's a different level of use than we've seen in the past," says Robert Novak, director of clinical education in audiology at Purdue University in Indiana. "It's becoming more of a full-day listening experience, as opposed to just when you're jogging."

Daisy May and Seth

Lisa's favorites of the weekend were Daisy May and Seth Bernard


Today we also saw Erik Koskinen:

Beth Amsel:

and Sunday's headliner Kelly Joe Phelps:


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