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TV may turn four-year-olds into bullies

According to a study published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine and reported in New Scientist, "Young children who watch a lot of television are more likely to become bullies, a new study reveals. The authors suggest the increasingly violent nature of children's cartoons may be to blame."


Comparing the danger of various modes of transportation

As reported by Popular Science, according to the government of Great Britain which tracks deaths per billion passenger-miles, data from 1991 to 2000 showed the following rates:


  • airplane - 0.02
  • boat - 0.4
  • bus - 0.4
  • rail - 0.49
  • car - 3.1
  • bicycle - 42
  • foot - 59
  • motorcycle - 106

I'm planning to bike 150 to 200 miles in a few weeks...


Children's physical activity

An expert panel recently suggested that "...[s]chool-age children should participate in 60 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous physical activity daily."



NC surgeons use tools washed in hydraulic fluid

According to a recent news story:


...sometime last year, elevator workers at two hospitals drained hydraulic fluid into empty soap containers and capped them without changing the labels.  Not long afterward, medical staff complained that some of their surgical tools felt slick. But it was not until January that nearly 4,000 patients learned their surgeons had unknowingly used instruments washed in the slippery fluid instead of soap...


A few 30-second sprints as beneficial as hour long jog

"Just six minutes of intense exercise a week could be as effective as an hour of daily moderate activity suggests new findings from researchers at McMaster University."



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