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Kinda Funny

How Would Jesus Dodge

From an AP story on

A youth minister in Missouri has been charged with assault for for allegedly knocking down a 16-year-old boy and kicking him in the groin during a dodgeball game. Authorities say the teen had missed David Boudreaux with one throw, but then knocked his glasses off with another. The boy apologized, but authorities say Boudreaux pushed him backward and then kicked him in the groin when the teen got up again.

Basketball Prank

Some Cal basketball fans played a prank on a player from USC by IM'ing him, pretending to be a co-ed from UCLA. Humor and embarrassment ensued. See the summary at

Church Sign Generator

Greg Stevenson blogged a collection of fake church signs generated using Here is one of my favorites: menfun.jpg

Worth 1000 Words?

You may have seen these examples of photographers framing their subjects in a way that the background makes a funny commentary on the subject.


Cheney speaking at the National Summit on Retirement Savings on March 2, 2006. (photo credit: REUTERS/Larry Downing)


Bush giving a speech in Bratislava's Hviezdoslavovo Square on February 24, 2005. (photo credit: AFP/Joe Klama)

There's a collection of funny photos of politicians (yes, both Republicans AND Democrats) at lowculture.

Simpsons Trump First Ammendment

From an article in the BBC News:

Americans know more about The Simpsons TV show than the US Constitution's First Amendment, an opinion poll says. Only one in four could name more than one of the five freedoms it upholds but more than half could name at least two members of the cartoon family. About one in five thought the right to own a pet was one of the freedoms. A new museum dedicated to the First Amendment said the findings showed there was a pressing need to explain one of America's basic laws better. "We have our job cut out for us," said Joe Madeira, director of exhibitions at the McCormick Tribune Freedom Museum. Another finding from the poll, a telephone survey of 1,000 random adults with an error margin of 3%, was that 22% of Americans could name all five Simpson characters. By comparison, just one in 1,000 people could name all five First Amendment freedoms. The names of American Idol TV show judges and popular advertising slogans also proved more memorable than the five freedoms - speech, religion, press, assembly and petition for redress of grievances.

For the record and your education, from wikipedia's article on the first ammendment, it forbids laws that:

  • Establish a state religion or prefer certain religion (the "Establishment Clause")
  • Prohibit the free exercise of religion (the "Free Exercise Clause")
  • Infringe the freedom of speech
  • Infringe the freedom of the press
  • Limit the right to assemble peaceably
  • Limit the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances.


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