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Kinda Funny

Two Chinese Students

Check out this hilarious video of "Two Chinese Students" lip-syncing to "I Want it That Way" by the Backstreet Boys.  The Moore family has enjoyed watching it several times and were inspired to do some lip-syncing of our own.

Bad Spirit of Rebellion

In the midst of a tight re-election campaign, Detroit's mayor Kwame Kilpatrick recently made a highly significant personal change to avoid giving off "a bad spirit of rebellion."  He stopped wearing his trademark diamond earring.  Who said we don't have strong, courageous leaders in this country?

Crystal Meth

According to the AP, the Atlanta woman held hostage by the courthouse fugitive gave him some of her crystal meth stash.  "Ashley Smith, the woman who says she persuaded suspected courthouse gunman Brian Nichols to release her by talking about her faith, discloses in a new book that she gave him methamphetamine during the hostage ordeal.

More Kids Being Home-Churched

From The Onion: "A new trend in the religious upbringing of children has recently emerged in the heart of the Bible Belt. "Home-churching," the individual, family-based worship of Jesus Christ, is steadily gaining in popularity, as more parents seek an alternative to what they consider the overly humanist content of organized worship."

Kickball catching on with adults

Adult softball leagues are popping up around the country...


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