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First Day of School 2008

First Day of 2nd Grade

Today was the first day of second grade.  My teacher's name is Mrs. Burtch.  We had recess 3 times today!  One in the morning, one at lunch time, and one in the afternoon.  For lunch I had a PB&J pack, tomatoes, and a Capri Sun.  Tomorrow is the second day of school!  Gnarly man!

First Day of Kindergarten

Today was my first day of kindergarten.  My teacher's name is Mrs. Ribble.  Some of my friends in my class are Parker, Jeffrey, and Jacob.  Today I played outside, went on a tour around the school, and got to draw a picture of me.  For lunch I had a peanut butter and jelly pack, a Capri Sun, and strawberries.


Fantasy Football Draft

We had our fantasy football draft tonight.  The laptop Elliot was using wasn't functioning properly, so he had to make a quick switch to another laptop at the beginning of the draft (and in the mean time the automated system picked Willie Parker for him instead of the Tom Brady that he actually wanted for his first pick among the players still available).  Uncle Kevin then benefited by being given the chance to get Brady for himself.  Some might wonder if he had a hand in sabotaging Elliot's computer.  Elliot took it in stride, though, and was less stressed by the online draft than I was.  Here are a few pictures:




Bike Rack

Another development from last weekend was that Uncle Kevin finished up the job of refurbishing one of Coby's old bikes to give to Finn to use.  Finn's been needing to move up a step in bike size, so we stopped at the Bridges' house to pick up the bike on the way home from Grandma and Grandpa B's house on Sunday...and had 4 bikes on our new bike rack for the first time.  Only one of the four bikes really fits on as intended, so it look's kind of funny.  Here's a photo:



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