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Our Family

Lisa's New Bike, Garden Area and Clothesline



This is a Trek Pure bike.  It has a very comfortable upright seating position.  The bike geometry is non-traditional with its pedal forward design.  I am able to keep my feet on the ground while seated and still get proper leg extension while pedaling.  The basket was extra....perfect for trips to the market.






I find hanging laundry out to dry to be a very relaxing activity.  Jonathan and a friend from church finished this for me a few weeks ago.  No complaints from the neighbors yet. 







Jonathan and I made six 4' by 8' plots.  Next spring, I plan to use 4 of them for veggies and herbs, one for shade perennials, and one for a cutting garden of Gladiolas.  Right now I have planted chinese cabbage, kolhrabi, beets, and spinach seeds for a fall garden.




Day with Aunt Robin

Today I went to Aunt Robins cottage.  Who went with me?  Coleman, Aunt Allison, mommy, Elliot, and Grandma B.  I went wave riding with Aunt Robin and played at the beach.  I went fishing and caught two fish.  Wave riding is like jet skiing.  We were on a lake.  I went this fast: 45 miles an hour!  That's it.

Dad will post some pictures when he gets them from Grandma.


Journey to the Center of the Earth

I read Journey to the Center of the Earth and then saw the movie after I read it.  The movie and the book were different in a couple ways.  One was in the movie there was a dinosaur and in the the book there wasn't.  In the book they were trying to go to the center of the earth but in the movie they accidentally did.  In the book the mountain guide was a man and in the movie it was a woman. 

My favorite part of the movie was when the dinosaur chased them because it was cool.  The dinosaur was huge and the people were trying to get away.  One of the funny parts was when the boy woke up and there was a dead piranha right next to him with its mouth open and the sharp teeth showing.  He was really really surprised and scared at first but then he realized it was dead.  When we saw the movie it was in 3D.  We had special glasses and when stuff was coming forward it looked like it was coming right at you.  It looked like it was right in front of your face. 

My favorite part of the book was when these two big monsters in the ocean fought.  The funniest part of the book was: nothing!

Piano Finn

Both boys enjoy playing the piano and are going to take some lessons this summer.  Here's some footage of Finn playing one of his favorite tunes:



Here's another video of Finn playing some original compositions and Elliot playing harmonica:

Bachelor's Film Festival

I was a bachelor for several days last week and had a sort of bachelor's film festival...watching movies I didn't think Lisa would mind missing: 300, Black Snake Moan, This Film is Not Rated, Invincible, X-Men: The Last Stand, Nacho Libre, and Blades of Glory.  I'll more to say about each later, but I was pretty much right that Lisa wouldn't mind missing them except maybe for Black Snake Moan and Invincible.  I didn't delete Invincible so I can show it to my football-obsessed boys at a later date.  I didn't know what to expect from Black Snake Moan (and had only seen the bizarre preview of Samuel L. with Christina Ricci chained up), but it turned out to be pretty good too.


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