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700 Still Lack Power

More than three days since the ice storm, an article in the Midland Daily News reports that 700 Midlanders are still without electricity as of this morning.


Gary Lee's Birthday

Today was Grandpa B's birthday, so we went down to the Bridges' house to celebrate.


Coby and Gary


Allison holds Finn while he reloads


The boys pitch in to help Grandpa


The Moores, Birdwells, and Bridges pose for a family photo


The Moores, Birdwells, and Bridges show their true colors

5300 Still in Dark

According to an article in the Midland Daily News, 5300 Midlanders were still without power as of Saturday night. It's Sunday night now, and we're glad to see that our neighbors across the street have had their power restored.


Neighbors Still Powerless

It's Saturday night, 48 hours after the ice storm, and I just realized that our neighbors across the street must be without power because they're running a generator. The current temperature is 8 F.


Ice Storm 06

During the day on Thursday and overnight from Thursday to Friday, freezing rain caused "...up to a half-inch of ice accumulation and high winds approaching 60 miles an hour led to widespread power outages across the state and in the Midland area" (from an article in the Midland Daily News). From a second article in the Midland Daily News:

The number of customers still without power as of Friday night included:

  • Bay City: 6,900
  • Clare: 1,100
  • Gladwin: 1,100
  • Midland: 13,400
  • Saginaw: 1,300

We didn't lose power except for a few seconds, but it seems like most folks we know were without power for at least a few hours, if not a few days. With temperatures in the teens and single digits, that's bad news. We did have a big tree in the back yard drop a few huge limbs. Connie and David Sitter came over and spent the day at our house on Friday because they had no power.


David, Elliot, and the trees down in the backgard


Downed trees, photo taken from the roof (I had to clean ice and snow off the satellite dish)


A tree limb smashed Elliot's "pitch-back"


On Nelson between Rodd and Ashman


Elliot and David in the backyard




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