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Youth Football 2010 Weeks 4 to 6

I never finished reporting on the boys youth football seasons last year.  Here is what I wrote about Week 1 and Weeks 2/3.

After playing RB the first half of the season, Elliot played QB during the final three games.  He played well, but his team continued to struggle and finished the season winless.

Here is video of Elliot at QB pitching to his friend Ethan who makes a long run before being tackled just short of the goal line:

Here's a video from the final game of the season with Elliot at QB:

Here are some photos:







The last game of Finn's season was a special one.  He carried the ball twice and scored both times.  The first one was a short run off tackle.  The second one was more adventurous.  Below are a couple of videos of Finn's team.  The first video focuses on the two TDs.  Unfortunately, I didn't have the good video camera with me, and it wasn't quite in focus for the second TD.  As you'll hear, I get pretty excited during the second run.  Below are a couple of photos too.



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