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Eli at 3 Months

Football with the Gramps

NU in the Playoffs

Elliot, Jonathan, and Grandpa Moore went to see Northwood play Saginaw Valley St. in the first round of the NCAA Division II football playoffs.  Unfortunately, the Timberwolves were outmatched and went down in defeat 31-16.

Saginaw Spirit

On October 29 we went to the Saginaw Spirit hockey game with some friends from church.

Elmo Arrested in Hollywood

From an article originally in the Wall Street Journal:

In plain sight of children and tourists, Elmo - or at least, a man named Don Harper in a knockoff Elmo costume - was arrested here by the Los Angeles Police Department. Elmo was taken down by a special task force created to combat a growing nuisance in the Hollywood tourist district: famous costumed characters who try to be photographed with tourists and sometimes badger them relentlessly for tips. LAPD officers, posing as clueless foreign tourists in front of Mann's Chinese Theater, also busted Mr. Incredible, the superhero from the animated hit "The Incredibles," as well as a man dressed as the villain from the "Scream" movie franchise. All three icons were arrested and could face charges ranging from illegal vending to aggressive begging... The characters - whose roster now includes everyone from Catwoman to Shrek's Princess Fiona and the murderous doll Chuckie - have gotten more aggressive both with tourists and each other. Fights erupt over precious sidewalk space, especially when two of the same characters show up. Characters grab tourists as they walk down the street. Some of the scarier costumed entertainers jump out at the crowd and frighten children. Perhaps most worrisome is the practice of demanding tips from foreign tourists who don't know the custom, language or currency... Harper, the 40-year-old Elmo, says he was set up by the cops. But upon returning to his spot a day after his arrest, he conceded that things are tense these days among the characters, who form cliques and alliances to defend their turf and make money. Mr. Harper, for example, says his Elmo is a foe of Batman and Superman, but in cahoots with Mr. Incredible, SpongeBob SquarePants and at least one of the half-dozen Spider-Men who prowl the street.


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