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Jonathan's blog

Pumpkin Festival

On Thursday night, while Lisa was at MOPS, Jonathan and the boys went downtown to the Pumpkin Festival.  Pumpkin rolling, art activities, trick or treating, and live music in downtown Midland.  We focused mainly on the trick or treating.  We ran into Batman (Sid) and a power ranger (David) while we were there.  Elliot was a Pittsburgh Steeler and got plenty of comments.  Finn was a zebra.


Little Dragons

Last night the Little Dragons broke boards with sidekicks.  Master Lim was so confident about Elliot that, instead of picking up 1 board for him to break like she did for everyone else, she got picked up two boards for him to break at once...and he did it!

Ann Coulter non grata

This is old news, but I just heard about it.  Harding University had invited "vitriolic" right-winger Ann Coulter to speak at its annual Distinguished Lecture Series (previous speakers have included Mikhail Gorbachev and Margaret Thatcher).  However, various blogging Harding graduates mounted a campaign to have her uninvited.  When Harding officials were made aware of some of her extreme, un-Christian statements, the campaign succeeded, and she was replaced in the schedule with Jose Maria Aznar, Spain's former president.

It was probably a good decision, but let's not forget that listening to someone speak does not necessarily imply approval.  In this case, though, the speaking engagement is probably considered a special honor, and Ann is probably not someone they would want to honor.


Starbucks quotes Rick Warren

From USA Today:

Coffee drinkers could get a spiritual jolt with their java in the spring when Starbucks begins putting a God-filled quote from the Rev. Rick Warren, author of the mega-selling The Purpose-Driven Life, on its cups. It will be the first mention of God in the company's provocative quote campaign, The Way I See It. In 2005, Starbucks is printing 63 quotes from writers, scientists, musicians, athletes, politicians and cultural critics on cups for company-run and licensed locations to carry on the coffeehouse tradition of conversation and debate.


Detroit crime declines in '04

Detroit may be the most segregated metropolitan area in the U.S., but it's lost the title as the most violent city in the U.S.

Here are the 2004 totals (for communities with a population over 10,000):



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