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Jonathan's blog

Back from the Dead

Have a listen to the "Back from the Dead" episode of the This American Life radio show.  It was very interesting and touching, I thought.  Interviews with folks who were on the Jet Blue flight the was about to have a crash landing and the passengers were watching reports about it on TV as it was happening (Jet Blue has satellite TV).  People in Pearlington, Mississippi, dealing with the devastation after the hurricane.  High schoolers from Bay St. Louis, about 15 miles from Pearlington, playing football despite the hardship.

Sid's Party

The birthday weekend continued today with Sid's 4th birthday party.  It was pirate-themed, me hearties.  Remember, only 335 more days until International Talk Like a Pirate Day.


Coby's 7th Birthday

Yesterday was Coby's 7th birthday.  We had lunch at the Rainforest Cafe, went to Coby's soccer game (they won 1-0), and then to Coby's birthday party.  Coby's surprise gift was a puppy!

LeCronier's Baby Acres

On Thursday Lisa and the boys went on a field trip with MOPS to LeCronier's Baby Acres:


Bad Spirit of Rebellion

In the midst of a tight re-election campaign, Detroit's mayor Kwame Kilpatrick recently made a highly significant personal change to avoid giving off "a bad spirit of rebellion."  He stopped wearing his trademark diamond earring.  Who said we don't have strong, courageous leaders in this country?


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