
Eli and His Mom

Homegrown Democrat quote 11

Democrats are realists. We care less about symbolism and enacting our own theology into law and making people listen to us intone a prayer (0 Thou who didst reveal Thyself to us, grant us victory over our despicable foes, and rain destruction and despair on them and cover their bodies with boils and sores, we do earnestly seek this in Our Savior's Name. Amen) and we care more about the ordinary essentials of life.

That's a quote from p. 192 of Homegrown Democrat: A Few Plain Thoughts From the Heart of America by Garrison Keillor.  I read it during our get-away trip to the UP.  Get yourself a copy or ask to borrow mine.


Crystal Meth

According to the AP, the Atlanta woman held hostage by the courthouse fugitive gave him some of her crystal meth stash.  "Ashley Smith, the woman who says she persuaded suspected courthouse gunman Brian Nichols to release her by talking about her faith, discloses in a new book that she gave him methamphetamine during the hostage ordeal.

Homegrown Democrat quote 10

Democrats are union guys. The spiritual base of the party is the union, that grand Victorian institution that proposes that employees have a say in the workplace and bargain as a group and not be beaten down one by one.

That's a quote from p. 182 of Homegrown Democrat: A Few Plain Thoughts From the Heart of America by Garrison Keillor.  I read it during our get-away trip to the UP.  Get yourself a copy or ask to borrow mine.



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