
Coach Potato

Suresh Joachim set a new coach potato record by watching TV for 69 hours and 48 minutes.

Homegrown Democrat quote 4

Democrats have changed America in simple basic ways in the past fifty years that have benefited everyone. Race has become less and less an issue in people's lives and racism has ceased to be socially acceptable anywhere. Women have moved into every realm of society and this is everywhere accepted without much comment. Equal opportunity in education, employment, housing. There is general agreement on the right to a dignified old age, guaranteed by the state. Democrats led the way in bringing these things about. It's one thing to get into power and do favors for your friends; it's quite another to touch the conscience of a nation. The last Republican to do that was Teddy Roosevelt.

That's a quote from p. 26 of Homegrown Democrat: A Few Plain Thoughts From the Heart of America by Garrison Keillor.  I read it during our get-away trip to the UP.  Get yourself a copy or ask to borrow mine.


Richfield, OH

At the Hampton Inn:


Aunt Lorraine

Our Aunt Lorraine passed away this week...Here's a photo from Elliot's first birthday party and Grandma and Grandpa Moore's in March 2002.



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