
NU Kid's Day

On Saturday we went to Northwood University's Kid's Day.  The Timberwolves beat Findlay 34-17 in an exciting game with several long pass plays, an interception returned for a touchdown, etc.

Homegrown Democrat quote 9

Congressman Martin Olav Sabo of Minneapolis authored the Income Equity Act that would deny companies a tax deduction for excessive executive compensation, that is, the portion of the CEO's salary that is more than 25 times the salary of the lowest-paid full-time company employee. If starting pay for the lowliest file clerk is $18,000, then the CEO's salary in excess of $450,000 is not deductible as a business expense. The act has been kept bottled up in the House Ways and Means Committee...

That's a quote from p. 170 of Homegrown Democrat: A Few Plain Thoughts From the Heart of America by Garrison Keillor.  I read it during our get-away trip to the UP.  Get yourself a copy or ask to borrow mine.


Most Segregated

Apparently, Detroit is the most segregated metropolitan area in the U.S.  "More than 80 percent of Detroit's population is black; in the sprawling suburbs that surround it, less than 4 percent of the population is, according to the most recent surveys by the U.S. Census Bureau. In a region so polarized by skin colors, race is almost inescapable."

Homegrown Democrat quote 8

America has a democratic heart. It is a generous and redemptive land where you can lift your head and know that justice and equality and a decent sympathy for the underdog are part of the music and poetry of people. We honor openness of heart, a democratic style. You are polite to the checkout girls at the Piggly Wiggly and to the shoeshine man. You do not lord it over them as if you were the grand panjandrum of Mushti and they your serfs. You don't expect people to bow in your direction. Bill Monroe, the father of bluegrass, once ran into Frank Sinatra backstage at the Grammys and said, "And what is it you do?" He honestly didn't know. Sinatra wasn't insulted. It's a big country, not some little comic-opera aristocracy, and if people don't tip their hats when you walk into the room, well, don't take it too hard.

That's a quote from p. 148-149 of Homegrown Democrat: A Few Plain Thoughts From the Heart of America by Garrison Keillor.  I read it during our get-away trip to the UP.  Get yourself a copy or ask to borrow mine.



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