
Homegrown Democrat quote 3

The Union is what needs defending this year. Government of Enron and by Halliburton and for the southern Baptists is not the same as what Lincoln spoke of. Not even close.

That's a quote from p. 25 of Homegrown Democrat: A Few Plain Thoughts From the Heart of America by Garrison Keillor.  I read it during our get-away trip to the UP.  Get a copy or ask to borrow mine.


Balloon Festival Preview

The annual hot air balloon festival is this weekend, but Elliot, Finn, and Jonathan got a preview on the way home from the pizza buffet (Lisa was at MOPS):


Homegrown Democrat quote 2

I am a liberal and liberalism is the politics of kindness. Liberals stand for tolerance, magnanimity, community spirit, the defense of the weak against the powerful, love of learning, freedom of belief, art and poetry, city life, the very things that make America worth dying for.

That's a quote from p. 20 of Homegrown Democrat: A Few Plain Thoughts From the Heart of America by Garrison Keillor.  I read it during our get-away trip to the UP.  Get yourself a copy or ask to borrow mine.


More Kids Being Home-Churched

From The Onion: "A new trend in the religious upbringing of children has recently emerged in the heart of the Bible Belt. "Home-churching," the individual, family-based worship of Jesus Christ, is steadily gaining in popularity, as more parents seek an alternative to what they consider the overly humanist content of organized worship."


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