
Trip to See Elijah

The Moores took a road trip this weekend to visit Eli and the rest of the Sullivans weekend.  Elliot also got new shoes and some "orthotics" to help him with his "twinkle-toes" habit.  You can see them in the third picture below (of Matt and Elliot playing video games - Elliot's favorite activity when visiting the Sullivans). 

Hand Sanitizer Gel Works

According to a study of 292 Greater Boston families, using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer gel significantly reduces the spread of gastrointestinal infections in the home.

"Although handwashing with soap and water is effective in reducing the spread of most infections, it requires access to a sink. In addition, there is evidence that rotavirus, the most common GI infection in the child-care setting, is not removed effectively by soap and water but is reliably killed by alcohol."

Alcohol based gels may be preferable to chemical-based anitmicrobial soaps that may lead to bacterial resistance.


No link between cell phones, tumors

A new study confirms the finding of several others that "...there is no substantial risk in the first decade after starting use [of cell phones]."  "The study, conducted by the London-based Institute of Cancer Research, and published this week on the British Journal of Cancer's Web site, found no increased risks of a rare benign tumor in the nerve that links the ear to the may not be a good idea for children to use the phones for long periods because their brains are still developing. Also, it is too early to tell what the effects of long-term use will be on adults."


Lake Superior Sunset



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