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Five Children and It

200px-Five_Children_Poster Since the boys were out of school today and tomorrow, we decided to have a special Thursday-night edition of family movie night.

We watched Five Children and It (2004, G).  From Wikipedia:

Five children are sent to the country to live with their mad uncle during the war. When there, they meet as Psammead (a sand fairy), who grants them wishes - with unexpected consequences.

I was kind of surprised that I haven't heard of this one and until we watched it and I realized it was fairly unremarkable.  I give it 3 out of 5.


I came across this meme on Twitter: #backflick - movie plots backwards.  Here are a few of my favorites (especially the first two):

Superman - A guy who flies around, putting people into precarious situations, then hiding.

Rambo - Sylvester Stallone healing people with his magical bullet vacuum.

Supersize Me - dude vomits hamburgers until he loses 20 kg and regains his health.

Star Wars - Contract presentation ceremony, then go to repair Death Star, return home to desert family.

The Kingdom


A while back we watched The Kingdom (2007,R) (ScreenIt! Review).  From ScreenIt!:

Four FBI agents travel to Saudi Arabia without permission to investigate a coordinated attack and multiple bombing that killed their comrade.

I remember watching this one in the middle of a long run...10 miles or something like that.  I enjoyed it.

I give it 3 out of 5.


200px-Transformers07 Last September I watched part of Transformers (2007,PG-13) (ScreenIt! Review).  From ScreenIt!:

Various people must deal with shape-shifting, extraterrestrial robots that have arrived on Earth to battle over a powerful device that could mean the end of humankind.

I say that I watched part of it because this was one of the rare occasions when I stopped watching a movie in the middle because I thought it was so bad.  I wasn't into Transformers as a kid, so maybe that was part of it...and the voices are just so goofy.

I give it 1 out of 5.



Back in September we watched Superbad (2007,R) (ScreenIt! Review).  From ScreenIt!:

Three high school seniors set out to buy liquor for a big party where they hope it will help lower the inhibitions of the girls in which they're interested.

I remember someone telling me that she didn't enjoy Knocked Up that much because it was just too crude.  I didn't feel that way about Knocked Up but did with Superbad...funny, but just too crude.  I give it 3 out of 5.


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