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Finn's Favorite Movies

After we finished watching Holes tonight, Finn announced that it is his favorite movie...even better than Star Wars.  He then pronounced the following hierarchy of quality motion pictures:

  1. Holes
  2. Star Wars
  3. Milo and Otis
  4. Up
  5. Toy Story 2


200px-Holesposter03 Lisa and the boys have been reading Holes, and tonight they finished it.  We popped some popcorn and watched Holes (2003,PG) (ScreenIt! Review).  From ScreenIt!:

After being wrongly sentenced to a hard-labor camp where he and other boys are forced to dig a five-foot hole each day, a teenager tries to figure out what they're digging for as well as whether he and his family are still living under a generations-old curse.

It was the second time around for the adults, and we all enjoyed it.  Lisa commented about how closely the movie followed the close as any book/film pair she's ever read/watched.

I give it 4 out of 5.

Into the Wild


Tonight we watched Into the Wild (2007, R) (ScreenIt! Review).  From ScreenIt!:

Upon graduating from college, a young man drops out of society, and meets various interesting people as he hits the road, preparing himself for an extended stay in the Alaskan wilderness.

Lisa had read the book.  I had heard much of the soundtrack (which I like, esp. "Rise").  It's an interesting story, and I thought the film did a decent job of telling it.

I give it 4 out of 5.

In Bruges

200px-In_bruges_post Last week I watched In Bruges (2008,R).  From Wikipedia:

Two hitmen hide out in the Belgian city of Bruges, and amidst the city's storybook background they come to terms with issues of guilt, morality, and redemption.

I spent a few days in Belgium a couple years back (Antwerp, Ghent, and Brussels), so the city was very familiar.  I enjoyed the film.

I give it 4 out of 5.

Flight of the Conchords

220px-Flight_of_the_Conchords_@_Gramercy,_2007 Last night Lisa and I went to see Flight of the Conchords at the Fox Theatre in Detroit.  If a slow internet connection at work hadn't caused me to time out in my first attempt to order tickets, we would have been on something like the fifth row.  As it was, we still had decent seats.  On the positive side, we were far enough back that Lisa couldn't throw her skivvies at Jemaine.  The Fox Theatre is an amazing place, built in the 20's and restored for $12 million in the 80's.  Jemaine and Bret got several jokes out of it:  since it's the only place they've been in Detroit, they assume that all of Detroit is decorated as ornately as the Fox...or that Detroit obviously spent all of its money on the Fox and had no money left for anything else of decent quality in the city.  Lisa thought the Fox was very cool but was annoyed by the uncomfortable seats.  It was definitely a fun, enjoyable show.

"Business Time" is still our favorite from FotC (Beware, don't play if easily offended by crude or risque musical humor):

Update: the photo I took of the marquee:


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