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Mom, how do you spell PLEASE?

We have the desktop computer in the office set up to require a password before going to the main screen. Both boys can navigate to their favorite sites with ease once on the main screen, so we have set the password up to make sure they ask permission before hopping on the internet......Anyway, I (Lisa) was in the basement the other day and I heard Finn calling down to me, "mom, how do you spell PLEASE?" I didn't think I heard him correctly so I asked him to repeat. He yelled louder, "how do you spell PLEASE?" The requests for spelling a word usually comes from the resident kindergardener not the 3 year old, so curious to see what he was doing, I headed up the stairs. As I got to the top of the steps I saw him sitting at the computer. I asked him, "why do you need to know how to spell PLEASE?" He replied that he wanted to play computer and needed to type in the password :)

We Didn't Eat Any Chocolate

Elliot needs to recruit a new partner in crime. Sunday evening the boys and I were at home while Lisa was out. I was riding the stationary bike in the basement, and the boys went upstairs for a while. Later on in the evening, as they were getting ready for bed, Finn said to me out of the blue: "We didn't eat any chocolate." Of course, it didn't take us long to interrogate Elliot and find out that he and Elliot had managed to get into candy they received at a birthday party Saturday night. Then, when I came home for lunch on Monday, Finn met me at the door. He said, "Smell my breath." I did, but I didn't smell anything. "It smells like sugar," he said. At first I assumed he had eaten some candy. Instead it turns out that, while Lisa was showering, the boys got into the sugar bowl and enjoyed a pack of artificial sweetener.


Finn: "Deeeeelectable!" Lisa: "Dee What?" Finn: "Delectable!" Lisa: "What's that mean?" Finn: "Scrumptious." Lisa: "Where did you learn that word?" Finn: "Backyardigans."

Toilet Paper

We got our first serious winter weather of the season...a few inches of wet snow. Finn looked out the window and said:

It looks like someone spread toilet paper all over the world.

Finn Breaks a Board

Finn broke a board at Tae-Kwon Do tonight. Here is a video and some pictures.



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