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Bike Parade

The other day some of Elliot's friends stopped by for a bike parade around the neighborhood.  Here are a few photos:

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Finn Sings "You're a Grand Old Flag"

Finn's class is singing "You're a Grand Old Flag" in the upcoming Carpenter Street School talent show, and Lisa will accompany them on piano.  Yesterday Lisa was practicing, and Finn joined in singing. 

Here is the video:

Pajama Day

It's pajama day at Carpenter Street School:


First Day of School 2008

First Day of Kindergarten

Today was my first day of kindergarten.  My teacher's name is Mrs. Ribble.  Some of my friends in my class are Parker, Jeffrey, and Jacob.  Today I played outside, went on a tour around the school, and got to draw a picture of me.  For lunch I had a peanut butter and jelly pack, a Capri Sun, and strawberries.



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