published by Jonathan on Sat, 04/16/2011 - 21:21
Finn has been investigating howler monkeys at school and recently built a visual display with his mom’s help. Here are some photos. I’ll let you guess which one is the monkey.

published by Jonathan on Thu, 03/03/2011 - 22:20
We went to the Nouvel basketball game tonight for a couple of reasons: 1) they were playing Midland (we saw Nouvel defeat Midland earlier in the season, but it didn’t go that way tonight) and 2) it was Blair White night. White was a student at Nouvel before playing football at Michigan State and this past season with Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts.
Here are photos of the boys with Blair and then the flyer he signed for them:

published by Jonathan on Sat, 09/25/2010 - 20:22
I missed the games last Saturday because Lisa and I were in NC for my 20th high school reunion. It seems like it was a bad day to miss.
Unlike weeks 1 and 3 when Finn only carried the ball once each, he apparently had 4 or 5 nice carries. They tied a tough team 3 scores a piece. This week they won one TD to zero. Finn played center and defensive line.
In weeks 1 and 3 Elliot carried the ball a hand full of times each, picking up positive yardage but not breaking anything big. In week 2 I missed seeing him make a very long run that almost went for a TD. They lost 13 to 6. Like they did the first week, they shot themselves in the foot with several fumbles. This week they got killed 35 (or 42?) to 0. Fumbles were a big problem again. We had to focus on small victories the 3 first downs that they managed to pick up...more than the total number that their opponents had given up during the first two games.
Rumor has it that Elliot is going to play QB during the second half of the season...
published by Jonathan on Wed, 09/15/2010 - 20:56
The football seasons for both boys started on Saturday: the second year of tackle football for Elliot and the first year of flag football for Finn.
Elliot had an 8:30 game. He’s playing running back this year and is #22. His team (The Hurricanes) played well. There was only one play that the defense consistently had trouble stopping (an end-around by a big, fast kid), and that’s how they gave up their only score. The offense moved the ball well but had a bad case of fumble-itis. That led to 3 turnovers and a bunch of wasted plays. Elliot’s first run was stuffed in the backfield. His second run was a poor pitch that he fumbled. After that he had 4 or 5 decent runs for positive yardage. Towards the end of the game someone’s helmet hit his thumb after he was tackled and sprained it. He sat out the rest of the game and was sore for several days afterward. The final was a 6 to 0 loss.
Finn’s game was at noon. He had several nice tackles on defense. He was quarterback and running back for one play each. He made a nice cut on his run and nearly broke it for a TD. It ended up being just a nice gain because he stopped and let the other defenders catch up when it felt like someone had pulled his flag (but it actually didn’t get pulled until he stopped). I told him that in the future he should keep running toward the goal line until he hears the whistle (and not worry about the flag).
Here are some photos and videos from both games.

Video of Elliot's 2nd half

published by Jonathan on Sun, 07/25/2010 - 17:51
Finn’s class hatched some chickens towards the end of the school year. Here’s a photo of Finn with a chick and his list of:
What would you do if you had a pet chicken?
- use it as hunting bait
- eat it
- make it lay eggs
- use it as a birthday present
- take it on a walk
