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That's a yak

In Sunday School last Sunday, Finn's teacher was reading a book about creation to the class.  On each page she was asking the three kids to name what they saw.  Finn, of course, was full of his usual verbal eloquence.  On page describing the creation of the animals, Finn was proudly saying, "That's a giraffe.  That's a rhinoceros.  That's a hippopotamus."  Then the teacher pointed to an unusual-looking animal and said, "What about this guy?  I'm not sure what he is.  Maybe a bull?"  Finn proceeded to say, "No!  That's a yak."  Lisa and Diane (teacher) busted out in laughter, and Finn was embarrassed and wouldn't look at Lisa for the rest of the class.  Lisa still doesn't know where he learned about yaks, but maybe it was on the Y page of an alphabet book.


You can clean those stains in the toilet with Kaboom...

On Monday, while Finn was napping, Lisa decided to clean our bathroom...not something that happens very often.  Elliot, of course, jumped up from his "Popular Mechanics for Kids" TV show, eager and willing to be a big help.  He swept the floors while Lisa cleaned the sink.  When it came time for the toilet, Elliot lifted the lid while Lisa got the cleaning supplies.  Elliot proceeded to say, "You can clean those stains in the toilet with Kaboom."  Lisa said, "Ka-What!?"  She knew exactly what stains he was talking about...the rust stains in the toilet bowl which are never removed by cleaning.  Elliot repeated himself.  "Where did you hear that?," she said.  He replied, "That's what they said on TV.  You should get some."


The last Saturday of May

JDM got up at 6 AM and went to play 9 holes of golf with Madan.  JDM shot his typical score in the low fifties.  He's driving better than ever before, but so far this season he hasn't had enough consistency in the other parts of his game to get back into the forties.  JDM and EJM spent considerable time setting up and adjusting our do-it-yourself above-ground sprinkler system this afternoon and had fun running around avoiding the sprays.  While LLM and EJM were at the grocery store, we had a heavy rain and hail storm.  Of course, some of the gutter downspouts were blocked with some sort of tree droppings and were, therefore, overflowing.  Our new tradition of Saturday night "Movie Night" continued for a third week.  This week's feature was "Toy Story."  After the boys were in bed, JDM and LLM did church treasurer stuff.


Bells leave

The Bells left Wednesday morning to go back to Knoxville.


Reading and Greg

Elliot, Cian, Carol, Finn, and Cade





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