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From the Tumblelog November 21-27, 2010

Nov 27

twittericonHarry Potter with the Elders

Nov 26

twittericonRT @mountain_goats: Not going to follow through with "Bless You," my CCM version of the popular Cee-Lo song. Hope I'm making the right decision.

newsDisable Gmail's Increasingly Ad-Filled Web Clips [Gmail]

twittericonElliot tweets: twitter is a cool word

twittericonElliot tweets: Pizza is awesome I have the craving for it right now! Seriosly!

twittericonElliot tweets: What is the world coming to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 25

newsThe Christian Right in Context, Part 3

Nov 24

newsThree Steps Toward a Balanced Budget

newsI was just detained by the TSA

Nov 23

twittericonRT @mmurraypolitics: If 'death panel' was the political falsehood of 2009, then will 'Obama is bad for business' win that award in 2010?

newsPalin Versus the 'Racist Tea Party' Charge

Nov 22

twittericonRT @mmfa: Irony alert: *WorldNetDaily* asks if Obama is on the "lunatic fringe" #p2


From the Tumblelog November 14-20, 2010

Nov 20

twittericonElliot tweets: The Steelers are going to woop the raiders butt's tomarrow

twittericonElliot tweets: I am probably going to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows over the weekend it will be awesome.

twittericonElliot tweets: my basketball team tied a mega intense game he results were a 21-21 point tie. my team is 2-0-1

twittericonSomething strange is going on. I keep seeing terrorist fist jabs on primetime TV...Detroit 1-8-7, 30 Rock , etc.

newsStatistics don't lie, do they?

twittericonSanta Parade


newsTSA's new book for kids: "My First Cavity Search"

Nov 19

newsSerwer and Tyrrell on the TSA Backlash

twittericonPizza Sams is packed.

newsAmazing Brick Machine Rolls Out Roads Like Carpet

newsHow should Obama handle new, emboldened GOP?

newsInsurers Test Data Profiles to Identify Risky Clients -

newsWhere Did Our Debt Come From? - James Fallows - Politics - The Atlantic

twittericonThe Mennonites are taking over. Who new.

twittericonbailed on eMusic last night. The departure of Merge et al. was the last straw.

newsMatador and eMusic

Nov 18

newsGrandma's Superhero Therapy (18 photos)

newsAbuse, Violence, Gender and Submission

newsThink government is bureaucratic and rationing-happy? Try dealing with insurers.

newsHave Scott Brown and Ron Wyden figured out the way forward on health care?

newsSarah Palin, Reader

newsMerkel makes a point: "We don’t have too much Islam, we have too little Christianity."

newsYouTube - 2010-11-17 Foreclosure Hearing.mp4

twittericonLast night Finn woke us up after having a bad dream in which we were at the grocery store buying tons of vegetables to make him eat.

Nov 17

newsThe health-care reform negotiations in one cartoon

newsRepublican irresponsibility on START

Nov 15

newsDow Chemical looks to release of Dow Powerhouse Solar Shingles in 2011 to electrify revenue

newsFox News Turns Obama's Kid Book Into Anti-American War Epic: When news aggregation goes wrong

newsFour budget calculators, one story



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