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From the Tumblelog December 6-12, 2009

Dec 12

newsFor feds, more get 6-figure salaries -

newsBlame Obama First

newsChild hunger an increasingly complex problem -

newsFaces of displaced Afghans

Dec 11

twittericonnow dinner at Cafe American

twittericonat the Santa House

newsComic for December 3, 2009

newsSwell Season: 'Once' Again

newsFor Judges on Facebook, Friendship Has Limits

newsDesegregating Sunday is a spiritual imperative

newsThe Tragedy Of Hope

news'Flight Of The Conchords' Series Cancelled

Dec 10

newsThe Overstimulated Economy

Dec 9

twittericonDear Consumers Energy, thank you for that email you sent today about "green scenes." Oh, and thanks x 10 for getting the power back on

twittericonhas 4 inches of snow and no electricity

Dec 8

musicnoteSign The Dotted Line - Jeff Mangum

twittericonlast night I moved the Obama 08 magnet from the truck tailgate to the fridge. not sure what took me so long

twittericonwondering which Brown will be NFL offensive player of the week next week

twittericonpro tip: a gmail filter means you don't even have to ask that person to stop sending you email forward

musicnoteBrave - The Mountain Goats

newsRedding woman's Christmas carol initiative picks up allies

newsUSPS Blacks Out Steve Albini's Christmas Charity

newsThe Swell Season: 'Joy' At The Triple Door

Dec 7

twittericonhappy that the firewall at work is back to not blocking just in time for it be purchased (and not ruined, please!) by Apple


From the Tumblelog November 29 – December 5, 2009

December 5

newsUniversity nixes support for conference: Peace by Piece, a student-driven theological conference, was…

December 4

newsMountain Goats: December 2, 2009 Bell House - Flac and MP3 Downloads

newsApple Acquires Streaming Music Service LaLa

newsThe Swell Season 2009-12-03 Auditorium Theatre, Chicago, IL (16-bit) (FLAC)

newsGOP Senators Attacking Exact Same Medicare Advantage “Cuts” They Proposed Themselves | The Plum Line

newsElvis Perkins In Dearland On Mountain Stage

newsCan Congress cut Medicare costs?

newsArlington mayor fires at Obama online

newsWhat East Anglia's E-mails Really Tell Us About Climate Change

newsMountain Goats: December 1, 2009 Webster Hall - Flac and MP3 Downloads

newsThe Analytic Mode: We should embrace the analytical governing style of President Obama…

December 3

newsASU-Ask A Biologist - Ugly Bug Contest

December 2

twittericongetting my Friday Night Lights on

twittericonat the Nouvel vs Dow hockey game

twittericonThe question on everyone's mind ;-) RT @jrmatheny: @CofCnews Why is the Chronicle staff so besotted by progressives?

December 1

twittericonRT @hotdogsladies: watched a Dad help his disabled daughter get off the bus, hug her, and ask how her day went. Not one hashtag in sight. 7:26 PM Dec 1st from Seesmic

newsMovement under way in California to ban divorce - Yahoo! News

twittericonannoyed by Christians celebrating the death of Maurice Clemmons on Facebook

newsObama's Surprising Afghanistan Surge

news8 Facebook misfires that ruined lives - THE WEEK

November 30

twittericonit's snowing in MI

newsI Thought Vince Young Was Finished

newsThe Swell Season at Daytrotter Studio Nov 30, 2009

newsE.J. Dionne Jr. welcomes Jim Leach's call for civility

newsCBO estimates that Senate health-care reform will lower costs by 20%

newsCrooks use Office DVD to fake Ricky passport and buy £200k gold | The Sun

November 29

newsOutlawing Steeples: A new law is being proposed by a group of people in the United States

newsWhat, have you never seen a cosy signpost? - News


From the Tumblelog May 10-16, 2009

May 16

twittericonwatching E.T. for family movie night

May 15

twittericonswimming with the boys and now Pizza Sam’s.

» Mark Erelli

» Free Iron and Wine | Word Magazine

May 14

» "Dollhouse" DVD includes unaired pilot and "Epitaph One" episode


May 13

» Trouble Brewing |

May 11

twittericonat Lake Orion c of C this morning I noticed that the 50-something dude in front of us had a stack of DVDs…Firefly and Serenity. random.

» Can a Paywall Coexist With Sharing? I’m Afraid Not

» Health Care Deal In The Works? - The Atlantic Politics Channel

May 10

» Full Video: Obama's White House Correspondents Dinner Speech



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